If you have read my previous post about Facebook you will know that I am unashamedly an addict. I love being able to chat with friends and family and I am totally addicted to the Defence support groups/pages. One of the best things to come from those pages is the awesome friends I have made. We have just arrived in a new city and before we even got here I had already met new people through Facebook (and I am looking forward to meeting them all ‘in real life’ very soon).
But unfortunately there are a few wives out there who are not making many ‘Facebook friends’. I know I’ve probably said this before and I’m sure I’ll say it again in the future – the Defence Community is very small. If you are continually picking fights and making bitchy comments you are going to get a reputation. Women are a gossipy bunch and it only takes a ‘cut & paste’ here and a quick ‘screen dump’ there and things can spread like wildfire. It’s not just bitchiness that will get you a reputation. Repeated behavior like that from my little list of Types of Army Wives on Facebook can also get you known for all the wrong reasons. For example, there are probably not many of you who haven’t heard about a certain woman whose rise to infamy came in the second half of last year after she became Admin of a certain group (which was already well known due to the previous Admin’s antics). I am not going to detail all her craziness but let’s just say she didn’t win many fans and her name is now pretty well known (even if she has tried to change it a few times!).
Now I’m not saying that everyone should get along and that we should all just agree each others opinions. That would be boring. I would just like to remind us all that outside of these Defence support groups there is a very real world. And you are not going to make it easy for yourself when it comes to meeting new people if your online ‘alter-ego’ has a bad reputation. Just think of how much trouble my above example is going to have when she meets new people! This lifestyle can be tough sometimes so we need all the friends we can get!
So I’ll get off my soapbox now and leave it at that :-P
Until next time,
UPDATE: It has come to my attention that some people are incorrectly guessing who my 'example' may be. Because I don't want any innocent parties to get hurt, I'll just say that the person I am talking about is based in Brisbane and that is the only other info I'll give out at the moment.