So I have tried to refrain from rehashing all the drama from Facebook groups in my last couple of posts but I can't hold back any longer!
A while ago I wrote a post about how some women had these super bitchy and tough online alter egos when in real life they were demure and quiet. (if you want to read said post you can do so here!) Over the past 6 months or so there have been a few women on my radar who are the complete opposite of this. They are all sunshine and rainbows in some groups and then in others they are completely arseholic! I love seeing a good debate in groups but it really grinds my gears when random people jump into a conversation and start attacking people when it is quite clear to everyone else reading it that they obviously did not know the background story. I was surprised to see 2 people who have a totally different persona on other groups, straight out attack peoples' characters and looks!
But I think it is the 'victims' of these bi-polar arsehats who are having the last laugh. While everyone is out enjoying their long weekend, the arsehats are apparently spending their time sitting around having coffee and talking about you and how much better they are. (And yes, I see the irony, here I am blogging about such arsehats on my long weekend lol!)
Until next time,
Boring! Go back to writing about interesting stuff!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry :-). I let my annoyance get the better of me. Plus I'm too easily distracted by the crazy. I will try to be interesting next time!!
DeleteIt's a public holiday, get a life
ReplyDeleteNoted. But just so I have this straight, it's okay to read a blog on a public holiday but not okay to write one?
DeleteI'm at work- lunch break
ReplyDeleteAnd working on a public holiday means you have a life? Sorry, my bad.
Deletewell if I had a day off I wouldn't be trolling facebook pages looking for something interesting to write about, work sucks! reading this on my lunch break provided moderate entertainment. Try thinking up something on your own, your blogs used to be worth reading.... go back to that.
DeleteYou're just as bitchy and immature as all those you rant about. Complaining about complainers under a pseudonym. Hypocrite much? Of course not, you're the perfect army wife!
ReplyDeleteYes I do hide behind a pseudonym. Thank you for noticing, ANONYMOUS! And yep, I am the perfect army wife :-p
ReplyDeletePoint proven. Leaving my name would be fruitless because I know for a fact you don't know who I am. So my 'pseudonym' isn't out of necessity unlike yours as I don't sit on my arse all day going from group to group looking for things to gossip about. Before you attempt your low form of wit about being on your blog, it was linked to me recently. Definitely not the kind of dross I seek out. Just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy.
Delete^^ 100% agree, all your blogs seem to revolve around are what happens in facebook groups. We all know what happens in these groups becuase if you are apart of one it will def give you an insight into the rest of them. I am apart of the cage and sorry to say but I have found it rather theraputic and helpful at times whereas all the other groups seem to attack new memebers more than cagers do. I think you need to get off facebook and find something interesting to write about rather than pissing and moaning about people in these groups.
Deleteagree with all the comments! When I first saw this blog I was a fan and thought it was a bit of fun commentary on the situations we notice in this lifestyle. But it just seems to have gone the same way as everyone else. Another form of just seeking of the drama and cowardly nastiness. Heaven forbid someone doesn't like their posting! Or is struggling and chooses to verbalise it, or may be new to army scene and has questions to ask of us who have been around a lot longer. I mean really... Same catty crap different day.
ReplyDelete'True colours' is what's happening right now in the cage group, in which this author is obviously a contributing member. I am in it, all I see is a pack of rabid dogs attacking 2 girls who aren't even in your group. Pathetic, This blog is definitely off my list, makes me wonder about all the other things she's written - is it all fiction and untruths? all just a one-sided view of people SHE don't like? I guess she ran out barely interesting things to say long ago and can now only troll for 'new' material....
ReplyDeleteThe cage group? I thought that got deleted?
DeleteIf you don't like the cage group, why stay? You have the option to remove yourself, however you are choosing to stay.
Deletesure you did
ReplyDeleteSame BS that's written on Facebook, and you don't have the balls to put your name to it. True colours? Yours have come out too so it seems. C - Cate? Catherine? Carly? 2 kids? Boys? I'm sure eventually everyone will figure it out.
ReplyDeletesome people just look for trouble, brining in names of other people is uncalled for and just asking for someone to run back to them and bring them into the conversation. It's the internet, seriously did you not realise you can say anything to anyone with out any implications. Start a fight then just turn your computer off an let the storm brew
DeleteAnonymous could be many different people, it seems like a few different people from the comments from what I can see. But hey you've pretty much confirmed EXACTLY who you are friends with.
DeleteI'm going to go the complete opposite to these comments and say amen to everything you have written above! I removed myself from most defence related pages and groups a month or two ago because the amount of two faced birches was amazing, same topics being discussed in 2 groups certain people would be all nice an full of advise in one then turn into the wicked witch on the next. Makes you wonder which is really them. I love your blog, intact right more, it keeps me entertained with the dramas of defence online with out having to sift through hours of pointless name calling. I like to have a life and get straight to the point
ReplyDeleteCaitlin, Camilla, Carissa, Carmen, Carol,Carolyn, Carrie, Casey, Cassie, Cayla, Celia, Charmaine, Chelsea, Cherie, Cheryl,Chloe, Chrissy, Christie, Christina,Christine, Cindy just to name a few other names that start with C! :)
ReplyDelete^^At the above comments,so many negative people around...
ReplyDeleteYour blog was good, not really worthy of so much criticism, hitting home to some prehaps?
From BehindEnemyWives
I would love to see your blog again :)
DeleteI'm MIA
DeleteIt's in the process, a lot of work is going into the next one.... Both legally and ethically...
Not really BEW, it's just the same old vomit from Facebook spilling onto a blog. I hope that yours will be different. Observations of the vitriol spewed on Facebook are just boring, since we already read it there first. But good luck with that assignment. Good to see you took my advice.
DeleteThe cage hasn't gone anywhere, just remove the first 3 letters and you'll find it. Still the same old group that offends the OSMW :)
ReplyDeleteAs for anyone with a blog, try not to let a few sensitive ones, ruin it for you. If they don't like what you write about, they can stop following your blog. I enjoy reading all blogs :)
Armed and ready for those OSMW!!
OSMW? Not sensitive nor offended here. Just tired of the pedestal bullshit dribbling from CW's mouth. She's no different to any of those she picks on and it was worthy of pointing out. From the amount of comments on this post it's obvious there's a few who agree. Not that it makes a difference. Just feeds the drama loving few and adds to her delusion.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like the blog, don't read it. It's her blog and if it bothers you so much, walk away!
DeleteWhy are there so many OSMW in cyberspace?
Same reason there are so many bloggers and wives who think they're better than everyone else but stoop to the same level I guess.
DeleteThank you to whoever it was that decided to personally name and accuse me of being one of the anonymous commenters. My name is Jan Birss. I will put my name to this post as I have nothing to hide nor could I be arsed hiding behind no name and commenting. I mean really if say something I expect it to be known that it was me that said it. I love people who hide behind their computer and lay blame on others without any sense of guilt about what they have done. This is why my friends are civ not Defence, because my real friends have the balls to say things to others faces and are prepared to wear the consequences. To whomever it was that publicly dropped my name in this blog, I am happy to give you my address, I will even pay your airfare to come and tell me in person your issues with me. Kind regards JB.
ReplyDeleteGood on you Jan! But I wouldn't let this high school bs from bored gutless wives get to you.
DeleteI never saw Jan Briss named, I saw a Jan named! You shouldn't jump to the conclusion that you're the only Jan in the world :)
DeleteConsidering it was put with the other names you'd have to be mentally reatrded not to think they were referring to the above Jan, so the old 'you're not the only one in the world' doesn't really fly here.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm sorry for being mentally retarded as you put it, however I don't know who any of them are, so why would I link it to this Jan?
DeleteIt was just an observation on my behalf!!
I think the last initial is right but I'm pretty sure the first initial isn't C. hMMMMMMMMMM....hint hint.
ReplyDeleteThe REAL initials of this blogger is TL
ReplyDeleteWrong! But as someone has already said earlier it's very easy to figure out. Especially when you realise who the other notorious wag/blogger she is friends with is.
DeleteThe blogger has 'real' friends? Amazing.
DeleteI didn't see a Jan Briss named either. Maybe a Jan Birss lol. Google Briss and see what you come up with. My surname has nothing to do with a Jewish circumcision ceremony thats for sure. I call a spade a spade not a shovel and will tell it how it is. Jan is a very old name and I have never come across another one on any Defence related Facebook pages so logic tells me that it was actually me being mentioned. I am also on some of the same pages as the other ladies who's names were also dropped alongside mine. I honestly don't know where others find the time to troll pages and then blog about it. I was finding this blog witty at the beginning then hypocritical.
ReplyDeleteIm so glad i have removed myself from these pathetic defence wags/partners etc pages.... It has done nothing but make some of these women make the atmosphere and my experience in this already shit army life oh so much better. Im not expecting sunshine and roses and yes not everyone gets along but it seems more like people dont get along than do. Its the same shit just different day.. And i cant wait to get away from the negativity that is Brisbane..
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with you. It is a difficult enough life without the added bullshit. I can't wait to get back to Brisbane but that's my home town so all my non Defence spouse close friends are there. Plus one who is a spouse but has absolutely nothing to do with anything army.
ReplyDeleteJust a note everyone - I have deleted all comments that mentioned real people's names. No naming and shaming!
ReplyDeleteSome people need to be named and shamed!!!
DeleteWow! Some of you peeps are really touchy! Seriously if this blog offends you the Smart thing to do would be DON'T READ IT! ....maybe that's your need a certain level of intelligence to understand that! Let the blogger do their thing and if you really need to vent your petty frustrations, maybe you should start your own blog....assuming of course that you are literate!
ReplyDeleteIf people's names were mentioned of course they had a right to respond. And questioning people's literacy on a blog? Oh the irony.
ReplyDeleteLOL This beats finishing my assignment, doing work accounts or folding my kids clothing. You guys are seriously MY entertainment so as far as Im concerned keep at it ladies :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry....but I don't see where the blogger being attacked here mentioned any names????
ReplyDeleteThe posts mentioning names have now been deleted. Hence why you can't see them.
ReplyDeleteI have to say if it quacks like a duck walks like a duck then it is in fact a duck...amazes me how some get on the high horse and think the blog is automatically about them.....GUILTY MUCH??
ReplyDelete^^^ above 'anon' you would have to be pretty stupid to not know who the blog is about- which evidently you are.
ReplyDeleteI myself didn't see anywhere in the above blog anyones name either some people's comments are only proving they are guilty about something
ReplyDelete^^^^^^^ the comment naming names was deleted as previously said you moron.
ReplyDeleteOOOH moron !!well now that's mature Anon, so you must be the one with the problem of thinking the blog is about you hey? Are you one of the bi-polar arsehats that the Blogger discussed in the BLOG as this is what I think Anon above your moron comment was referring to.There is no names mentioned in the blog only the comment has been removed where names were posted, have you thought that the other Anon comments came because they have only just read the blog recently, so I say to you who looks like the moron now ? Interesting that you hide behind the anon button but I am sure I have worked out who you are already as have so many others in the past several days, to all the Anon's that have had comments made by the Princess above, sit back read over all the comments it will not take you long to work out who the above anon is, as the Blog writer has stated TRUE COLOURS, I do believe that anon with the moron comment is the same said person who wrote as herself or himself, whatever works in this instance above.
ReplyDeleteTo the Blogger this would have to be one of your finest as said Princess above really has let it's true colours emerge and finally to said Anon above you may want to retract your comment about giving out your address,paying for people's flights and facing you as you maybe surprised of the amount of people that would love to come face to face with you right about I have been informed the comments you refer to that have been deleted never mentioned last names just first,and with this many comments on this one Blog boy are you going to go all commando when the next blog comes out after all the threats and carrying on in the groups on facebook these past few days that you have thrown at others, let's see how gutsy you are when all bloggers mention your antics then. I am pretty sure no Blogger will mention your name, just your actions to so many in the past few days.
Why I am even bothering is beyond me you spruke all over said groups you are Educated but I and many others believe you and your partner in crime are twisted if you think your actions and threats will go who is the MORON now !!!!!
Holy crap!!!52 comments on this Blog, let me start by saying firstly to C the blogger LOVE LOVE LOVE reading you blogs, I usually read them have a laugh and move on but when I saw 52 comments I just had to find out what all the comments were about and I was not disappointed.
ReplyDeleteBoy someone has her big girl panties in a untwistable state,I have read that comments mentioning random names have been deleted but it didn't stop one person from commented as her true self, you must be pretty twisted to automatically assume the blog is about yourself, as it is my understanding that only first names were mentioned in a comment after the blog and not in the blog itself, to Anon above well said and I agree with you I and many others believe that the only person getting their knickers in a knot is the person who came in here with her/him's comments stating that" If anyone has a problem with her she will pay for their flight to come down and face her"
and then it is not very hard to work out that this is also the same person that called another a moron is one of the same, my question is this ' Why would you use this blog to carrying on where you left off in the facebook groups ?'have you and another (Note no names have been mentioned)sent abusive emails to alot of defence wives? are you not the same person who after making a threat to someone about their children tried to turn it around to make it look like you were taken out of context? are you not the same one that continued to post stuff and remove it quickly to make it look like people were picking on you? are you not the same person that said you have dumps and are sending them to Canberra? You are the only moron in here and in the facebook groups, you are the only one that all defence families are discussing,you are the only one and your sidekicks that all people are saying will not forget in a hurry, you are the only one that will find that it is a small world out there but an even smaller world within the Defence Community and by the looks of it you have put alot of people off, so unless you are rich how the hell are you going to afford to pay for anyone's airfares to come face to face with you,and if you were so tough and have nothing to hide, WHY HAVE YOU BLOCKED and sent messages to people knowing they can't find you to reply ? that makes you gutless and as mad as a cut snake!! and don't get all high and mighty about others using the Anon tab to make comments,as you are guilty of writing under the Anon button as well, and blocking people to respond to you then going to another group and trying to tarnish your shit in there to crying you are being attacked, WRONG you are the one that started the attack so my advice Get Your Big Girls Panties On and face up to those you have threatened and attacked, then we too will come out from behind the Anon button too.
Anyone that comments by supporting this person seriously if you have children would you allow this person to threaten them, you may not have seen the goings on in the groups of late because your friend above in the earlier comments deletes as quick as she writes them but didn't realise that a certain Admin saw and hene blocked her, if you allow this woman in your group allow for certain attacks that she will herself provoke and to those ready to jump on the bandwagon and defend this woman, think about this "How can so many people be wrong about one person?" even one of her own friends denied ever knowing her to others..
Shame and name I say so we all know exactly who this person that all the Bloggers seem to like to write about from time to time.
If your that offended by the Blog and believe it is about you then don't read it simple..Geeze some people over react and yes I see that the First names are no longer there but there is no names mentioned in the actually blog is there ? C can't wait to see the next blog and have another laugh keep it up :)
ReplyDeleteWell thanks for your long retort Sam Yeoman.
ReplyDeleteHonestly! If you have something to say to/about me - at least have the guts to leave your name at the bottom so I know who I am laughing at!
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous 20th june
ReplyDeleteNow who is naming names and not just first names..
Why does this name Birss come up all the time within the military groups, I have been OS for a bit and I have heard of this said person who has put her name to the post even over seas..
ReplyDeleteWow she or they must be pretty horrible people to have so many talk about them, glad I didn't get posted back to Brisbane if this is where they are now..Funny thing about it's comment is that friends she thinks are her friends are really there to spy..I am sure all will be fully aware of said Birss from above soon enough nothing from what I have heard about her is very nice to say the least and all I can say if in Brisbane be warned listen to all those that know or heard of her, so many people can't be wrong.
your husband is a WO at sigs isn't he anon .............
ReplyDeleteHuh? How, why and when did you come up with that?
DeleteI hear he's a chocco in Perth