Sunday, 10 February 2013

Toughest Job in the Military

Have any of you ever seen the TV show called ‘Dirty Jobs’? The show features a guy who tries his hand at some of the most disgusting jobs you can think of from Sewer Inspector and Road Kill Cleaner to Turkey Inseminator and Alligator Egg Collector. While all of these jobs are pretty feral, (Turkey Inseminator??? Really???) there is another job out there which I think would be more insane than all of these combined. And that is a Property Manager at DHA.

Sure, they don’t have to inseminate animals and come into contact with faeces but they do have to deal with a sometimes dangerous and always unpredictable species – the army wife.

I’m constantly surprised by the amount of army wives who lack the ability to think for themselves when they have a minor problem. I’m sure you’ll all know someone like this. They are the type to call the DHA Maintenance Line over something like a broken cupboard door handle and then get upset when told it’s not an urgent issue. This same person would then accuse you of attacking them if you kindly suggested they fix said handle with a spot of super glue.

But by far the Property Manager’s toughest foe is the army wife with a sense of entitlement. I would just love to be able to listen in on the conversations between them. I’d love to know how they responded to a wife when she complained that their house wasn't suitable because the main bedroom was too far away from the other bedrooms. Or how the Property Manager managed to hold back her laughter when the same wife told them that they wanted to move because their sloping backyard was a hazard to their toddler.

I know this is opening a huge can of worms but when did people start becoming so ungrateful for the housing we have access to and start demanding that everything be up to their own high standards. So the bathroom of the place you've just moved into has a shower with a curtain rather than a glass door. So what! Can you not get just as clean in a shower without a glass door?  What’s that? DHA gave you a house with lino instead of tiles? How will you ever survive? And heaven forbid that your backyard has a slope and your toddler might fall over. Guess what lady? Toddlers are going to fall over on flat ground too. (In fact, toddlers are pretty much going to fall down anywhere. They are just like tiny, little drunk people :-p)

I’m guessing that because we haven’t seen the news headline ‘property manager shoots whingeing army wife’ that they are (somewhat) successfully getting on with their job, despite having to deal with nut jobs. So I think it would make an awesome ‘Dirty Jobs’ episode:-P

Til next time,


  1. For someone who dishes a lot you sure don't know how to take it....

  2. Sorry guys - I decided to delete all previous comments on this blog as I had A LOT of complaints about some of the comments (if you read them, you will know what I mean, if not, consider yourself lucky). I'm still puzzled as to how a post about ungratefulness turned into an argument about condoning domestic violence. As I am a bit of an I.T. retard, I don't know how to block or ban people so I can only hope that the person who caused the trouble will stay away in the future.

  3. Wow... if you stop posting inflammatory shit and get a life outside of dishing out your disgusting judgmental opinions a 'simple' post about ungratefulness wouldn't turn into an all out keyboard war. The fact that you say that you're puzzled about it is interesting to me. You knew exactly what this post would do. Maybe take some responsibility for your actions.

    You must honestly be the saddest person in the world to create a blog that talks mostly about things that happen on Facebook groups, and to devote even 5 minutes of your time blogging about these people.
    Start scrap booking, knitting, make some friends, take your kids to playgroup or get a job or SOMETHING.

    Put something positive out there instead of constantly writing negative blogs and making people feel like shit.

  4. I don't see anything in this blog that would be described as inflammatory, or any mention of Facebook. Are these not simple observations,or even conversation that may have been had during family welcome nights? I know I have had some very interesting conversations about housing when meeting new families/people posting to locations. I have heard some very outrageous demands from, and I hate to say it, those who are new to army life. And I often wonder where this sense of entitlement comes from,as I was never made aware of what I was entitled to I accepted what was provided. But excuse me I must return to my knitting as my thoughts, and experience are invalid.

  5. I'm curious as to why people who are supposedly offended and made to feel like shit because they read this blog keep coming back for more??? I'm sure they could find something more positive to do with their time?? Maybe they like the "drama" that their overly sensitive reactions cause?? Time to stop playing the victim people and take charge of your lives! Back away from the blog......come on - you can do it!
